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When You’re Up You’re Up

By July 26, 2024No Comments

The headline was, “Boeing and Airbus media events like night and day.” This was in reference to the 2024 Farnborough Air Show.

Here’s what was telling:

  • Boeing did their media event in an old, classic hotel in a windowless basement room. Airbus did their event “at a sunny upper-floor bar of a modern hotel.”
  • Boeing people stuck to their marketing department’s script. Airbus people were upbeat, didn’t gloss over production delays, and a discussed a recently approved new model.
  • Airbus’s people stayed on to mingle, talk, and enjoy refreshments with the media. Boeing’s Commercial Airplanes chief left right after her remarks.

If you didn’t know about all of Boeing’s issues you could still figure out which way each company’s arrow is pointing.

All businesses have issues. It’s not only how you handle things but how you present yourself.