Exiting & SellingIncreasing ValueOther September 17, 2018 When All Employees are on the Same Page… At a meeting with a group of clients last week our presenter, my friend Hugh Blane, asked an interesting question – “Can every employee articulate… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther September 12, 2018 When Free is Best We had just begun a multi-hour car trip, tuned the radio to XM’s Bruce Springsteen station, and they were starting a replay of one of… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther September 5, 2018 One Track Minds Means Inefficiency I look across the lake (figuratively) at Seattle and its City Council. I see a bunch of single issue councilmembers with no big picture focus… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther August 29, 2018 Predicting Business Success and Sports Drafts – A Crapshoot We were trying to help a young friend of the family with his job search (before and after insisting he meet with Matt Youngquist at… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther August 22, 2018 You’re Camping, You Don’t Need to Wear Underwear We were fishing along the shore and came across the campsite of a group of early-teen canoeists who were just waking up and making breakfast.… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther August 15, 2018 Which Employee Would You Want? A little after they opened at 9 am on the Friday before the July 4 weekend I went to get a haircut. I wasn’t the… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther August 8, 2018 Some Rules are More Important Than Others I don’t know exactly what happened. I don’t know if it happened to a male or female. I do know that my wife nudged me… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther August 1, 2018 Innovation isn’t just in tech When we think of innovation we think of the technology industry, don’t we? We tend to think of disrupters like Amazon, Google, Netflix, and others.… JohnM Love97
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value July 18, 2018 $3 Million or $3 Billion, the Fundamentals Matter The May 21, 2018 Wall Street Journal had a special section titled, “C-Suite Strategies.” I found the interview with Hain Celestial (organic foods and teas)… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther July 17, 2018 Podcast -Build on Your Good Habits; Discard the Bad New podcast now on our website - https://nokomisadvisory.com/media/podcasts/ Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97