Exiting & Selling January 18, 2023 Making the 2022 Idiot List “We have a new leader on the idiot list” is what I wrote an associate. When we later spoke, he said he can’t read my… JohnM Love0
Exiting & Selling January 3, 2023 Market Update In October Jessica and I talked to about 20 people about what they’re seeing in the market, the highlights are below. I also attended the… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value December 27, 2022 Consider If You Will…* If politicians stating elections are suspect and open to fraud win, do they declare the election invalid? What it comes down to is most people… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 29, 2022 Layoffs, Downsizing, You’re Fired A lot of people lost their jobs recently, especially in tech. As of November 15, it’s reported over 120,000 and about 6,000 in the Seattle… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 23, 2022 Politicians Can Learn From M&A The recent election season is almost over (runoff battles, slow counting, etc. still linger). Of course, the next cycle has already started. No rest for… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 13, 2022 A Second (Business) Life I was listening to Mark Zuckerman on a Joe Rogan podcast as they discussed virtual reality and virtual augmentation. My first thought was about an… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 6, 2022 A Tale of Two Companies This is a tale of two small businesses (apologies to Charles Dickens for plagiarizing the title). Let’s take a look at them. Company A has… JohnM Love0
Exiting & Selling September 28, 2022 Euphoria or Dreams Shattered The NFL season starts this week so last week was cutdown day, where rosters are reduced from 80 to 53. Dreams are realized or shattered… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value July 30, 2022 People – Replaceable or Integral? The Sunday Dilbert cartoon the other day had the pointy haired boss telling his staff he says employees are the key to success but that’s… JohnM Love97
Exiting & Selling July 27, 2022 Selling a Car? Selling a Business? Aren’t They the Same? We did a favor for a friend and agreed to help a friend of his sell his micro-business. A nice little company, growing, but the… JohnM Love97