Increasing ValueOther March 22, 2018 Tax Law Confusion As I write this I have just sent my CPA a note asking if they’re sending out a summary of the new tax law and… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther March 22, 2018 Timing is Everything – Proven On December 30, 2017 the Wall Street Journal featured a column by Daniel Pink, How to Be Healthier, Happier and More Productive: It’s All in… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther March 22, 2018 Integrity and Relationships I was reading an interview with a noted Seattle real estate developer and when asked about what he learned from his first mentor he stated… JohnM Love97
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value January 31, 2018 Make Yourself Dependent We recently went out for dinner with some good friends and in our discussions the husband touched on how his customers tell him if he… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther January 24, 2018 Getting the Deal Done Recap On November 7, 2017 we* did our tenth annual Getting the Deal Done Breakfast Conference and had record attendance of about 180 people. Our guest… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther January 22, 2018 Treat People Fair and Reap the Benefits About five years ago I worked on a buy-sell deal, representing the buyer. Time goes by and I get a call from the seller, asking… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther January 18, 2018 Walk Like a New Yorker While in New York City earlier this year we had dinner with one of our former exchange students. Alex recently moved to the New York… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther December 21, 2017 It’s All About Perspective A friend told me how he visited Bozeman, MT and his brother-in-law complained about how (fast growing) Bozeman is becoming “too crowded.” One of my… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther December 15, 2017 Preconceived Notions Are Dangerous Regarding my upcoming book, Company Growth by Acquisition Makes Dollars & Sense, a good friend asked me why I bothered having a print edition, implying most… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther December 12, 2017 Are You Listening? The big news in the NFL earlier this year was the best player in the NFL, Aaron Rodgers, was injured and will be out at… JohnM Love97