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There is no better marketing machine than the NFL. They play “real” games mid-September to early February and have something every month to keep fans attentive.

Recently they released the 2022 schedule and there were headlines in the paper, discussions on non-sports radio news shows, and click bait all over the Internet. Realize, once the previous season ended, every team knew who their opponents would be for the next season, which would be home games, and which would be away games. The only thing undisclosed were the dates and times. None of the hubbub was paid for, the fans and media did the work for the league.

None of us have the resources of the NFL nor do we need the reach they have. What we need is for people in our target audience to want more of what we have, whether it be a product, service, or knowledge.

We do this by providing value. A good example on a local scale is the annual Getting the Deal Done Breakfast Conference I cosponsor with PRK Livengood Law, Chinook Capital, Columbia Bank, and Hutchinson & Walter CPAs. When we send out our initial invitations, I always get people responding and telling me how they look forward to the event. 

We all need something people identify with us, so we’re on top of mind. Think about what you do or can do to get people excited.

“The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next.” Matthew Arnold

“I intend to live forever or die trying.” Groucho Marx

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