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Computers get faster, more powerful, more streamlined, and at the same time the programs get more complicated, meaning they more and more become resource hogs. I can’t figure out why, after all these years, Microsoft Office has about one gigabyte of updates every couple weeks.

I guess it’s why Moore’s Law about how technology and its transistors double (in speed and capacity) every two years makes sense – it has to. Software programs keep gumming up the machines.

There’s a lesson here and that lesson is don’t fall into the complication trap. There’s a reason salespeople have been taught for decades (maybe a century or more?) to KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.

I don’t care if you give advice, make, distribute, or retail a product, or provide a hands-on service, make it as simple and easy as possible for your customers. The easier it is for your customers or clients to understand the value you can provide the better.

We all have value propositions, or what marketing people call a USP, unique selling proposition. When you convey it in the fewest words you win. Don’t make your prospects have to think too much, or they (we) will find reasons not to buy.

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