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We were recently on the road, driving through North Dakota. It struck me that there were billboards, the type of which I’d never seen before. They were advertising jobs in the energy business and housing for energy workers.

I knew that the oil and gas industry was going gangbusters in North Dakota and had heard an NPR feature on the housing shortage for the workers who were streaming to the state. But billboards?

Another example of what’s become “non-traditional” is the owner who said, “Believe it or not, we get a good return from our Yellow Pages advertising. We know because we track it.” (Some of that is the online Yellow Pages.)

These days we think of everything in terms of websites, email blasts and social media. Yet there are plenty of people who have to be reached via more traditional methods. When marketing (and especially for sales) it pays to use every technique you can and to make as many impressions as you can to stand out from all the noise and clutter.

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