May 25, 2010
Customer service on the front lines
Last weekend we took Victoria, our 2-year-old granddaughter, for pizza at Via Tribunali in Seattle (Fremont location). Not your typical place to take a little…
May 17, 2010
A Rotary Club is a lot like a business
As incoming president-elect of my Rotary Club I’m realizing, again, how much a 120-person club is like a business. We have to watch costs, generate…
May 7, 2010
Change and a Business’s Resiliency
In an excellent column in the April 6, 2010 NY Times, "Relax, We’ll Be Fine" by David Brooks, Mr. Brooks writes about how, “America’s future…
May 5, 2010
What are your odds of selling at your price?
In the 2010 decade there is a huge generational shift starting to take place. In 2008 the first “Baby Boomer” (born 1946-1964) started collecting Social…
April 29, 2010
Was it too obvious?
I walked into the local hair cutting place the other day and received the same greeting I get every time I'm there, "Are you here…