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While in New York City earlier this year we had dinner with one of our former exchange students. Alex recently moved to the New York area from Ecuador and we talked about his adapting to the city, which he’s been to before but not to live.

We talked about the crowds and the pace and I said, “You have to learn to walk like a New Yorker.”

This is a metaphor for adapting to any circumstance in life or business. In my business, relationships are key to success for my clients and me. I like to say, “While cash is king, the queen is relationships and like in chess, the queen is the most powerful piece on the board.”

You don’t get the job you want if you can’t relate to the boss or hiring manager. I can’t get a client if we don’t relate and my clients can’t buy or sell a business if they can’t relate to people on the other side.

I recently heard from two owners who told me how important it was to sell their business to the right person. One specifically mentioned his loyal employees and how he wanted them to keep their jobs.

Everybody reading this relies on relationships to be successful so I’m preaching to the choir. So just in case you forgot….

“Sincerity is the key to success. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Groucho Marx

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